Virtually all of the LWR SMR designs submitted to NRC and DOE in the US demonstrate connections for fuel loading/refueling on the upper level of core’s “pan” (bottom part of reactor vessel). Can someone explain how and who/what will ensure the monitoring of the compound deep undo the bio-protection shielding. And besides, in the pool, as it is shown in a promotional video NuScale, for example. How to ensure purification water to such an extent and volume?
In the USSR, and in Russia, the lid of the reactor is connected to the vessel via a special ring and through the so-called “extended (?) studs.” Before tightening the nuts, each stud stretches hydraulic jack to provide tightening, not only with the power hydraulic tool.
What is the procedure at the reactors of “western” design? How to ensure the connection density and construction, strength of the connection if there is no human’s access to the area? Strange, but I do not believe in the complete automation of the process in the “pool”.


(For additional information: and presentations) 





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